Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holy Smokes!

I rarely get excited about a movie, espcially after the egg that was laid on the Indy IV film. I typically catch even the blockbusters a few weeks after their premiere. Or in the case of Spiderman 2 and 3; Pirates 2 and 3 and all of the silly Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings crap, I just see them when I see them. Maybe never. Hopefully never.

Tonight I saw the new Batman flick. I heard from just about everyone that it was a great movie and that Heath Ledger, sadly in his last film, played the role of his life as the deliciously wicked Joker. As the quirky James Lipton from "Inside the Actors Studio," would say, "It was a performance 2nd only to that of Charles Nelson Reilly's seminal work in Hello Dolly."

Yeah, he was that good. The joker wasn't at all cartoonish like in the old TV show days, nor was he like Jack Nicholson's portrayal of him back in the late 1980's. Ledger's performance was violent, humorous, silly, and quite daring. He pulled it off and stole the show. I normally don't like movies adapted from their comic book roots, and I was pleasantly caught off guard by this show. If you haven't seen it - go. Steve, I will even pay for the drinks and popcorn. Heck, we'll even babysit.

Of course I do have a few critical comments.....

Why does The Batman (the movie likes using the "the" a lot) talk with such a deep voice? This reminded me of an old Clint Eastwood movie.

Spoiler Alert: Why did Harvey have to turn out to be so creepy? And how about the burned side of his face? Very realistic but I doubt he would have been up and out of bed so fast.

Did all of the dark scenes bother anyone else? At times I found it difficult to figure out who was hitting who and, more importantly, who was winning.

Maggie Gyllenhaal did nothing for me. As the supposed "love interest" for both Bruce and Harvey, I found her to be about as vanilla as the ice cream I love. Bland.

As usual, Gary Oldman was outstanding. He always brings it to the set. He was awesome as "Sheldon Runyon" in the movie "The Contender," a taut political thriller.

Interesting social dilemma at the end with the two boats; one full of convicts and the other full of commuters.

What would you do?


Janae' said...
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Heidi said...

What would I do? I would not see it. Batman and all other comic book movies are stupid. Signed, Andrew.

steve said...

Ok, I had to look up who Gary Oldman is.

Andrew, you HAVE to see it. I agree the comic book movies are for retards. Spider Man made me want to eat my foot because it would feel better than continuing to watch. This made me think about my foot wrapped in bacon. Could I really eat it? That's another post for another day...

But this movie ROCKED. Keith, we saw it on my birthday night after one of the funnest rounds of golf i've ever had with you and the boys.

Anywho, what would I do? I honestly sat there thinking what I would do. My wife and I discussed it on the way home too. She would blow it up. I wouldn't. I don't think you'd be wrong either way. I'm not really scared of death so go ahead, let the convicts do it...

Mooch said...

you would think with me being home all by myself that I would see a movie that everyone is talking about.
I don't think Kelli would want to see it so I better go before they get back.
not by myself though, that's weird