Friday, July 25, 2008

John McCain: An American Hero

Allow me to be brutally honest (really, would you expect anything less? haha), the upcoming election will be historic - we will either elect an African American or the oldest man ever to sign up for this gig. All medialand are busy licking their chops.

Let's examine the black guy first: Obama is a media creation. Let's face it folks, he has ZERO experience in the political arena. He has been a Senator for 4 years and has spend 2 of those years racing around the country (and now the world)lobbying to be the next President of the United States (herefter POTUS).

No question that Obama is a likeable, smart and decent man. I admire him a great deal. To achieve the level of political success that he has so rapidly is a testament to his intellect, ambition, and good old fashioned hard work. I have no doubt that if I were to meet him in person, I would like him even more. The problem I see with him being POTUS lies in his policital inexperience and in his party's platform. Either one of these should have the alarm bell going off inside all of our heads and cause massive hemmoraging.

Simply put, the democrats espouse more government, more interference to the free market system, more taxes, more freebies and all of this is alarmingly bad. I'm disappointed and perplexed with their position on so many things. For example, the democratics vehemently oppose abortion yet fight to eliminate the death penalty. They don't want to drill for oil anywhere and appear to be willing to accept whatever price our middle eastern friends wish to charge (as they sharpen their vitriolic rhetoric toward us more and more each day) and at the same time want to pull troops out of the Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh, this will allow the price of oil to go up even higher by the way since the area's stability will once again be at risk. That most of academia consider themselves democrats (those that can't, teach), simply promote this ideology from generation to generation. Our unions are laughable. They were needed in the early part of the 1900's to protect workers and have grown into money making machines....for the union leadership.

From the greatest generation who fought in WWII, to the boomers, to Gen X, to Gen Y, and whatever moniker we've attached to recent newborns, it is apparent that each succeeding generation has sacrificed a little less, whined a little more, worked alittle less, and sits on their ass alittle more. This is the exact opposite of many other countries....(I hope your posterity likes Chinese food). It makes one think what the landscape will look like in 100 years doesn't it? After all, we've only been around as a country for 232 years. History is undeniable. EVERY SINGLE GREAT NATION (Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Ottoman Empire, Celtics, France, Soviet Union, the Brits et al) have been vanquished or had their dominion slowly be eroded away over time (SEE: British Empire). Are we next?

John McCain? He married a rich,large-breasted blonde who owns a BEER COMPANY. He is truly an American Hero. I'll get to him later.

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