Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today's Headlines

I always have an opinion on this stuff. Grab a seat and kick back for spell.

The first story that jumped off the screen that caught my eye was this one and it's a doozy: The United States House of Representatives passed a resolution TODAY apologizing for slavery and the Jim Crow laws that once existed. People it is 2008. WE NEED TO STOP LOOKING BACKWARDS. Slavery was terrible. It was brutal and inhuman, but it's gone now. Still however, I often am moved to bouts of laughter by the antics of Congress. Take a look around. The economy is in shambles. American's are losing their homes. We've had bank closures, bank downgrades, and a stock market that likes to go up and down like a yo-yo. Oh, and gasoline prices have gone through the roof. You would THINK Congress would be addressing, 24/7, our nation's energy/bank/foreclosure/economic cesspool that exists, and instead they are make bullshit proclamations about really bad stuff that happened a long time ago and is bound to open some wounds that had finally healed. By the way, the saying that accompanies the picture - "Am I not a man and a brother?" True dat.

Another interesting story...

The City Council in Los Angeles voted unanimously for a new law banning new fast-food restaurants in certain parts of South LA. The council is essentially attempting to put low income folks on a diet. Their objective is to have more "health conscience" restaurants and markets since 30% of the area's adults are obese versus the 19% of hip folks whose cribs are on the westside. To the writer of the piece I say this: "Dude, it's south LA. Let 'em have a burger. We have better stuff to be mad at. Worse things to fix." Besides, I don't think a Whole Foods will go over real good in that sort of neighborhood. Dunno, that's just my opinion.

Our life....

Janae is down in Oceanside and has been there since Saturday. I fly down to SD on Friday night with Grammy and will meet up with Alec and Tiffany who are also flying in from Salt Lake City that night. The rest of our crew roll into North Coast Village on Saturday. We're a lot smaller group now that Rod bought a place in Mexico and we lose all his kids and grandkids, but hopefully we'll take care of that logistical shortcoming soon enough. We've missed Alec the past 2 years due to his service in Peru so it will be nice to be there with he and his lovely wife, our darling, "Hardest Working Woman in the Legal Profession" daughter-in-law Tiffany M. Runyon. We dig the beach. It's a good vibe, the weather is perfect and we relax. Doc Eells says relaxing is good for me. Me tinks I agree.

Jake is doing wonderful in Ecuador. A big Muchas Gracias to all of you who write him letters and emails of support. He is in a challenging environment and it's good to know(jakerunyon@myldsmail.net) that so many people from back home take the time to drop him a quick note. It's been nearly 7 months since he left us for the mission field.

NFL Camps are Open!

Thankfully, football camps are officially open and this means the summer doldrums will soon be over with. It's true, look it up, but after the NBA finals, the world of sports kind of lays down for about 6 to 8 weeks. I dislike that period.

It bothers me.


Dixon Leavitt said...

Im feeling a Colts return trip to the Super Bowl this year. Let the Pats, Giants, Cowboys and Jaguars get all the headlines, then watch Peyton and his crew take them all down. 19-0?

Keith A. Runyon said...

Nah, I think the colts had their run. NE is still the team to beat followed thisclosebySanDiego.

NFC is Dallas and Philly in a wicked-good conference. I will enjoy seeing Aaron Rogers fail. Packers should welcome back Favre with open arms. He's the best option they have yet they are too short-sighted and stupid to realize it.