Friday, February 13, 2009

Can YOU Do it?

I saw a neat article today about a woman in Florida who said "You don't have to be a politician to put forth a stimulus package." Now before you think my head is in the gutter, the implication here is for ALL of us to perhaps reach out alittle more to our friends, neighbors, strangers and yes even relatives who we may run across each day who are struggling to cope during this unprecedented period in American history.

She continued, "Anybody can help anybody at any time. It doesn't need to be something that comes from Washington; it can come from your own home and from your heart, even if it's for a little bit." Mother Teresa once said, "Do not wait for leaders-do it alone, person to person."

I immediately liked this idea. I should be doing this stuff anyway. My problems are small, manageable and really not problems. I have been selfish. People with health issues or those who are in a financial freefall who have found themselves upside down and behind on their mortgage, or worse, homeless, make my heart ache.

On the subject of housing, regardless of whether or not folks bought too much house, stretched themselves to the breaking point to get the house of their dreams is irrelevant now - people need to get their confidence back. Their Tre'Von Willis-like swagger. Banks need to forgive penalties, lower interest rates to reasonable levels, and get money going back into the system. Moving forward is the ONLY option.

Now, more than ever, Americans need to have more patience with each other. Smile when you meet someone. My wife is GREAT at this: Do an act of kindness each day. Let's try and lighten each others burdens - even if its only for moment. It's up to us.

You in?


susan bunker said...

Yeah, I'm in! Loved the thoughts.

2 am? I thought you had your sleep problems fixed!

Keith A. Runyon said...

2am Ugggh...I know, I know... sleep habits irrevocably goofed up. I even use my magic sleep machine each night!

Alec and Tiffany said...

Did we lose Andrew and Steve to facebook? Sellouts...


kathie said...

Keith, I'm so impressed! You are a great need to write a book...really. I loved this're getting a little soft in your old age! I'm in!