Monday, July 6, 2009

The Need for a Moat Around My House

Let's access the past 12 hours shall we?


The deaf cat began howling
This makes the dogs bark - loudly
Then the cat fight started between the deaf cat and the retarded cat
This makes the dogs bark even more LOUDLY
I scamper around the house in my skivvies attempting to locate the fight
They are in the basement going at it
Under the Christmas Tree (I know, I know - we're getting around to it)

I finally got back to sleep at 4:30am

Arising at 7:45am to more barking since....
The the pool guy showed up - which produced louder barking
Then the grandfather clock starts clanging
The doorbell rings as one of our nephews comes by to drop something off
My mom calls to tell me something about Michael Jackson's funeral (ugggh)
The dry cleaning needs to go out front
My cell phone starts ringing
The house phone is now ringing
Someone is standing behind me and that drives me crazy
Janae's cell phone then began ringing
The furniture needed to be moved for the tile cleaners
And the window washers who are coming today
As we cleaned up after the party
To make things nice again
But all of this commotion is making me consider building

A moat around my house


Janae' said...
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Alec and Tiffany said...

What happened to the automated Sniper system that would shoot any unwanted visitors? Mom never liked that idea but I think she was more accepting when we decided to use paintball guns and tranquilizer darts instead. Maybe it can be our summer project. Get some sleep.


Dude, your blog rocks. I'm glad you came back from the dark side.

Keith A. Runyon said...

There is seriously way too much stuff going all the time at Chez Runyon. Need to have people email us instead of using the phones. The rings of multiple phones all at the same time increases my blood pressure. Need more gates too with password protected access codes, etc. We'll get there.

Janae' said...

The Christmas tree in the basement is no longer embarrassingly is now annoying early.

This is a funny post since the one preceding it is all about how fun it is to have everyone over to Party Central.

You are a complicated dude.

Heidi said...

I don't know what's more disturbing - the thought of Uncle "Keif" in his skivvies, or that your Christmas tree is still up!!